Realised for the exhibition Archeological festival_a 2nd hand history and improbable obsessions in Tartu Art Museum, 19.06.–24.08.2014, curated by Maria Arusoo, the three-part installation has its beginning in a postcard found in the museum shop. It depicts the Leaning House, still the temporary location of the museum today, during its renovation in 1982.
The installation was adapted for Köler Prize 2015. Exhibition of Nominees in 2015, showing all its elements together in one space at Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM). Having removed the installation from the initial context I decided to show its elements as objects disconnected from the exhibition space as much as possible: the support beams were hanging from the ceiling; the cut in the wall was shown as a life-size documentation photograph wallpapered on a separate wall module; the framed postcards were displayed as if in a showcase.